Clinical Pharmacists

Our Clinical Pharmacists will soon begin working to deliver Structured Medication Reviews (SMR). A SMR is a review of all your medications, making sure that you get the most safe and effective treatment available without affecting the quality of your care. Together we will look at:

  • What medicines you are currently taking, what your medicines are prescribed for and any questions you might have about them
  • How well your medicines are working for you and if you still benefit from them
  • Any medication related problems and side effects that you might experience
  • Any medication you might have bought (including herbal remedies) in addition to your current prescription
  • Reviewing any blood tests or other tests you might have recently had
  • Any concerns you might have regarding your medication

Structured Medication Reviews are designed to be a comprehensive and clinical review of a patient’s medicines and detailed aspects of their health and will take between 15 – 30 minutes depending on how many medications you are taking. Their purpose is to help you get the best from your medication.

Patients eligible for this service will be contacted in due course.